(1923 - 2021)
Selected works from the Kolodzei Collection of Russian and
Eastern European Art, Kolodzei Art Foundation

Serge Hollerbach
Broadway Figures in Byzantine Style, 2016
Acrylics on canvas, 40 x 30 in.
to the United States in 1949 and settled on the Upper West
Side of New York City, where he resided until his death in
2021. Along with being his home, the Upper West Side served as
his inspiration and was the source of many of his paintings.
Among other subjects, he was drawn to painting the inner
solitude of city dwellers as they went about their daily
Anna Kolodzei Days of Art video series present: Serge
Hollerbach Broadway Figures in Byzantine Style
Drawings by Serge Hollerbach

Serge Hollerbach
was born in
Pushkin (Tzarskoye Selo), Russia, in 1923. He studied in West
Germany at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts from 1946 to 1949;
then he came to New York City to study at the Art Students
League in 1951, and the American Art School of New York City
in 1952. He has taught at the National Academy School of Fine
Arts in New York, conducted workshops across the country,
served as juror, and lecturer. Hollerbach
numerous awards for his casein and watercolor
painting. His work are in many public collection including:
the Yale University Art Gallery, St. Paul Gallery of Art,
Georgia Museum of Art (Athens, Georgia), the Mead Art Museum
(Amherst College).
Publications include Composing in Acrylics; Sketches in Pen
& Ink and Watercolor; Notes
of an Artist, and the memoir New York Notebook, among others.
In addition, he has published articles in American Artist, The
Artist's Magazine, and Today's Art.
to the Kolodzei Collection