Vassiliev: Memory Speaks (Themes and Variations).
General Editor: Natalia Kolodzei, with essays by Amei Wallach,
Andrew Solomon, Natalia Kolodzei, Ilya Kabakov, Eric Bulatov,
Victor and Margarita Tupitsyn, and Oleg Vassiliev. Published
by Palace Editions, the State Russian Museum and the Kolodzei
Art Foundation, in collaboration with the State Tretyakov
Gallery. 182 pp, 156 color plates, 13 color and 14 b/w
documentary photographs. (Russian edition also available).
ISBN: 0-9754829-2-0. To buy the book contact kolodzei@kolodzeiart.org
or visit AmazonOleg Vassiliev: Memory Speaks (Themes and Variations)
Non-Conformism to Feminisms: Russian Women Artists from the
Kolodzei Art Foundation.
Catalogue for the exhibition at the Museum of Russian Art,
Minneapolis, MN, September 15, 2018 - February 10, 2019.
(ISBN: 9780981519524, soft cover, 60 pp.) Introduction
by Maria Zavialova, Foreword by Alison Hilton, Essay by
Natalia Kolodzei.To buy the catalogue contact kolodzei@kolodzeiart.org
or visit amazonThe
project Non-Conformism to Feminisms: Russian Women Artists
from the Kolodzei Art Foundation is a selection from the
Kolodzei Collection of Russian and Eastern European Art,
covering three generations of artists, from the 1960's to the
present. The show includes paintings, works on paper,
photography, video, and interactive installations. Arranged
thematically, the exhibition features the work of emerging,
mid-career and established artists. It is a visual exploration
of the development and accomplishments of women artists from
Russia emphasizing the importance of media experimentation for
contemporary Russian women artists in defining their identity.
Bulgakova (ISBN: 9780975482964, Hardcover, 216 pages) and Alexander
Sitnikov (ISBN: 9780975482988, Hardcover, 200 pages) have been published in both
English and Russian languages by Knigi WAM. These books include essays by
Alexander Borovsky, Barbara Thiemann, Natalia Kolodzei,
Alexander Rozhin and Natalia Sitnikova. To buy the book contact kolodzei@kolodzeiart.org
or visit amazon Olga Bulgakova (English and Russian Edition)
These books were published in conjunction with
the first joint retrospective exhibition for Olga Bulgakova
and Alexander Sitnikov at the
State Tretyakov Gallery.
Bulgakova and Alexander Sitnikov belong to the generation of
artists beginning in the 1970s.
Their works have been exhibited widely in Russia,
Europe and the United States and are in the permanent
collections of major museums, including the State Russian
Museum and the State Tretyakov Gallery.
The "Art Constitution", the Illustrated
Constitution of the Russian Federation, unites artists
of different generations. More than 100 artists participated
in the project of Ivan Kolesnikov, Sergei Denisov, and Petr
Vois supported by the Moscow Museum of the Modern Art, S.Art
Gallery, and the Kolodzei Art Foundation, Inc. The project,
comprised entirely of works from the last 10 years, enables
the viewer to trace the evolution and view the complete
spectrum of contemporary Russian art through the illustration
of each of the Constitution's Articles. The Art Constitution
unites living artists who began their careers during
Khrushchev’s Thaw and the artists who started their careers
in the post-Soviet period, all of whom now enjoy the benefit
and challenge of artistic freedom in the new Russia. It is
important to note the individuality of each work, and of each
artist, incorporated in this project. Almost all the artistic
trends and movements of the second half of the 20th century
are represented. These 137 illustrations represent different
aspects of the Russian art and views of the Russian life.
The Illustrated Constitution of the Russian Federation
Editors: Sergey Denisov, Ivan Kolesnikov, with essays by Zurab Tsereteli, Natalia Kolodzei, Ekaterina
Dyogot, and Irina Kulik Moscow: Alpha-Press, in collaboration
with the Moscow Museum of Modern Art and the Kolodzei Art
Foundation, Inc. (in Russian and English). 137 color
illustrations; hard cover - 2,000 copies.
Please contact Natalia Kolodzei at Kolodzei@KolodzeiArt.org
or visit Amazon Art Constitution: The Illustrated Constitution of the Russian Federation (English and Russian Edition)
Moscow Museum of Modern Art, One Work
Gallery, Kolodzei Art Foundation, Central Exhibition Hall
"Manege" (St. Petersburg) and Flora-Moscow
Commercial Bank present project by Sergey
Kalinin and Farid Bogdalov: Session of the Federal Assembly
at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, from September 16 - 30,
2004, and at Central
Exhibition Hall "Manege", from February 25 - March
8, 2005. The
exhibition and accompanying publication are made possible by
MegaFon-North-West, Saint-Petersburg and Flora-Moscow Bank
(Moscow), with additional support: Kolodzei Art Foundation,
Inc, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, One Work Gallery (Moscow),
Central exhibition hall "Manege" (St. Petersburg)
. ISBN 0-9754829-3-9
The Hurricane of Time. Turn of the Century, Close of the
Millennium. Selections from the Kolodzei Collection of Russian
and Eastern European Art (1960 - 2000).
(Exhibition catalogue), with essays by Tatiana Kolodzei,
Natalia Kolodzei, Alison Hilton, Valery Turchin, Enrico
Crispolti, 25 color illustrations, 60 pp. ISBN: 0-9754829-0-4.
To buy the catalogue contact kolodzei@kolodzeiart.org
or visit amazon The Hurricane of Time. Turn of the Century, Close of the Millennium. Selections from the Kolodzei Collection of Russian and Eastern European Art (1960 - 2000) (English and Italian Edition)
Books and catalogues are available. To buy the book contact kolodzei@kolodzeiart.org
or visit Amazon Kolodzei
